Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rosé Champagne and Grapes

Was being lazy last night. Planned to go to the Domain Stage to see Al Green but called it off in the last minute as I spent the whole afternoon,from 1pm to 7pm, 6 hours literally, in the Broadway Shopping Mall. Did nothing but shopping! And all what I bought was just two tops from FCUK which I could actually got on my way home everyday! I had no idea why I took the trouble to come all the way to Broadway just buying the tops which I didn't even like that much. Anyways, got a cab home with 11 bags of grocerry and two bottles of wine. I spent 150 bucks in one week grocerry again! And I didn't even make myself lunchbox and I will be dining out for two nights at least in this coming week. Okay, so I told myself, there is no way I could make this Al Green thing tonight and I really need some wine!
So, green grape, red grape, black grape, a little bit cantaloupe, with my Rosé Champagne. Came out just as good as it gets.

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