Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh, avocadoooo...

Got home really late tonight. Thought about grabbing some fried rice from Bar Asia but it was already closed when I got there. Surprisingly found one avocado and a fair bit honey leg ham in in the fridge. So toasted two piece of bread. Added a little bit honey musturd. It became my dinner. Well, was more like late night snack. The avocado was so good which made the whole sandwich quite tasty. I am just wondering if there is a such thing called avocado spread. Then I don't need to take the trouble to cut the avocado everytime although it wasn't that hard. But you know, Clara can be quite lazy sometime. I kinda miss the time when mom made me dinner and waiting for me to have it with her after I came home from work. It's not only because of the world-class food she made, but also knowing someone would be waiting for me at home for dinner made me feel so good about myself after a hard day at work. It was my first month I worked in CBA. Then I moved out. I miss spending time with mom. Alright, time to head the bed. Nighty-night.

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