Thursday, January 21, 2010

Marinara Mix in Banked Mushroom

Just can't say no to mushrooms coz they are so tasty! This dish is an absolute food feast for mushroom lovers like me. :)

I got shiitake mushroom, white mushroom, swiss mushroom, truffle mushroom, bottom mushroom, maitaki mushroom and black Chinese mushroom. Gave them a good wash and sliced them. Boiled seafood stock then dropped in the sliced mushrooms, brought them to boil and turned off the heat. Poured them in a big tray.
I maranited the marinara mix and a extra portion of baby octopus in the finely chopped chilli, crushed garlic, salt and pepper one night ahead. It was time to bring them out. Evenly spread the marinara mix in the tray. Mixed the mushrooms and marinara mix well. Baked it for 30 mins in moderate heat.
Sprayed finely chopped spring onion and coriander on the top when it was served.

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