Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chorizo Bacon Baked Eggs

I got the idea from a bistro ( Clover Cafe, Annandale, NSW. It was called Bake Egg.) we used to go all the time in Sydney. I played around a bit, changed a few ingredients and made this dish very clarable.

For ingredients, you will need:

  • Half onion, finely chopped
  • One rasher of bacon, finely diced - alternatively, get the diced bacon from the Deli section in Coles, they are good too ( get about 100 g)
  • One good quality of Chorizo, slice it to about 7mm thickness
  • Half capsicum, roughly sliced
  • Couple mushroom, roughly sliced
  • 5-6 eggs - leave two to the end and whisk the rest with a pinch of salt and pepper 
  • Half can of diced tomato
  • 1 tsp of tomato paste
  • Paprika
  • Salt, pepper and olive oil

Pre-heat the oven to 120'C.
Heat 1tsp olive oil in a frying pan. Cook diced onion till it just starts to turn golden and soft. Add bacon and chorizo and cook them till both have nice crispy, almost a bit smokey look. Pour half can of dice tomato into the mixture. Cook till it start to bubble. Add tomato paste, capsicum and mushroom. Give it a good stir to make the sauce absorb the richness of tomato paste. Cook till capsicum and mushroom just about to get soft. Spoon the mixture into two shallow ceramic pots ( I am not sure the exact name. It's a type of Spanish kitchenware. Sort of like a shallow pot). Pour the whisked eggs equally into both ceramic pots.  Pop them into the oven for about 7 mins. Take both of them out and crack another egg on top of each of them. Try not to make a mess. Dust some paprika. Pop the back into the oven for another 5 mins. 
Serve it while it's still hot with a slice of toast.

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