Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thai Roast Pork with Garlic

Nick wanted to impress me with his cooking skills, so he made me this Thai roast pork with garlic over the weekend. Let's just say it's very tasty and if he has left the pork in the oven for couple minutes longer, it would be perfectly cooked and he wouldn't have had food poisoning.
Anyways, here is Nick's awesome Thai roast pork with garlic (it's actually Margaret Fulton's recipe but he made a little bit change by not using the pineapple. I reckon it's such a smart idea!)
1. Pre-heat oven to 180'c. Combine the cumin(2tsp), garlic(6 gloves, crushed with a bit sea salt) and pepper and rub well into the meat ( 1*2 kg pork loin, neck or boned and rolled shoulder, rind removed).
2. Place the pork on a rack in a baking dish and bake for about 1 1/4 hours or until almost tender.
3. Baste the meat with a mixture of the soy sauce(4tblsp), vinegar(1/4 cup rice or white wine vinegar) and brown sugar(6 tblsp), with chopped coriander(3tblsp). Return to oven for a further 15 mins ( I would suggest give it a little bit more than that or at least making sure the pork is perfectly cooked before you take it out of the oven).
4. Remove the pork from the oven an place on a platter, skim the fat from the sauce and serve the sauce with the meat. Serve warm with finely chopped coriander (3 tblsp) garnished on the top and plain steamed rice.
I think this is a great disk for sharing with a bunch of friends. It's sweet, salty, juicy and absolutely tasty! Great job, my Nicky Bear! :) xoxoxoxoxoxox

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pan Fry Breaded Chicken Breast with Butter Herb Dressing

Rich and Marcus came for dinner after the footy. Neither of them are big fans of seafood and I was inspired by the MasterChef I have been watching. So here it comes : my first pan fry breaded chicken breast.
Well, I reckon to make the perfect pan fry crumbed meat, it's important to follow the following five rules:
Rule No1. Always flat the piece of meat before crumbed it.
Rule No2. Make sure to brush the meat with just enough egg white before crumbing the meat. Then let it rest for about 5 mins.
Rule No3. Give the meat a bit gentle press making sure it's evenly crumbed both side.
Rule No4. Be generous but not too generous with the oil when pan fry the crumbed meat (watch the calorie and you don't want to burn the crumbed meat when there is not enough oil).
Rule No5. Don't overcook the meat. Pork usually takes longer than chicken. Evenly fry both sides.
Please do correct me if I am wrong here. These rules are purely just based on my experience. :)
For butter herb dressing, I got some fresh parsley, basil, garlic and a little bit mint, finely chopped them then fried in the melt butter till the garlic just started to turn into brown. Gently dressed it on top of the fried crumbed chicken breast, and serve with veggie and mash potato if you like.
Enjoy! :) xoxo